Comment No. * from: roger [Member]
Detail for July 2024 GH
Finding all the other plants were the common hogweed is a releief.
The difference is clear by the seeds.
Giant Hogweed(North of the boat)
15th April Haven't found one in the SSSI north of the boat this year so far. 15th May Found one each in sites 1 and 5
8th June Found one in site 1
6th July Found none in sites 1,2,3 and 4
17th July Found none in sites 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8; i.e. anywhere north of the boat.
Giant Hogweed(West of the boat)
15th April Found one plant.
30th April Found four plants. (with Gavin)
2nd June Found three fairly large plants, but clearly this years. (with Gavin)
19th July Found one in B, but some of A was so overgrown I didn't get into the thick of it. G and H have only been done once, earlier in the year. It would be useful to get a view from on high and from the river.
Detail for July 2024 GH
Finding all the other plants were the common hogweed is a releief.
The difference is clear by the seeds.