Red Kidney Beans: 2024Updated: August 18th, 2024
Created: June 15th, 2024Red Kidney Beans.
Wonder on their worth given the amount of space they use and other difficulties.
August 18th: A few weeks all the tops were eaten, I think by a rabbit.
- May 5th: Soaking 60 None sprouted ✘ so cooked them.
- May 11th: Soaking random amount. May 15th cooking them too ✘
- May 28th: Soaking about 87(n)
- May 28th: 10/87(n) Cooked
- June 1st: . . . soaking 33/n | 🌱 28/n | 16 cooked
- June 2nd: . . . 🌱 41/n | 20 cooked ✅
Noting the bed has raised earth I think mice have undermined and eaten the seeds. So will see if any push through in a week or so. � - June 12th: Contrary to my slagging off the mice, today I notice some growing and actually counted 31, though I damaged 6 maybe when lifting the mesh as some had grown through and I wasn't careful enough ✅
- June 15th: 🌱 38/41 5 badly damaged
Forth lot
- June 17th: Soaking 45 | 🌱 28/45
- · June 19th: 28/45 | June 20th: 40/45 | June 21st: 41/45
Fifth lot
- June 20th: Soaking 51
- June 22nd: · 15/51 ✅ That's the main bed full @ 88
- · June 22nd: 27/51 (12 West of peas) | June 23rd: 41/51 (14 East of Elmoro)