Comment No. * from: roger [Member]

08 Sept 2017: Dawn Redwood looking good and Swamp Cypress ok
23 Jan 2017: Checked all three, still standing.
July 2nd 2015 May have another go at this
23rd July Received confirmation that they are grown from seed so each will have a unique DNA.
24th July After more research they may not be that unique as Swamp Cypress is monoecious, ‘Male and female strobili mature in one growing season from buds formed the previous year’. So it's very likely that each seed has the same DNA as the parent tree. Even seeds from different trees may have the same DNA if they in turn had the same parent.
08 Sept 2017: Dawn Redwood looking good and Swamp Cypress ok
23 Jan 2017: Checked all three, still standing.