Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed Himalayan Balsam, and Ragwort
(in that order)
Giant Hogweed
To form, so far the amount removed is less than last year. There are two anomalies however: a) 3 in the flood plain and b) 5 in the far western ditch.
Updated 11th June
Two more in flood plain. That's 3 in the northern field and 2 in the southern.
Japanese Knotweed
In the first two years I dug out the roots, since then I only pull up as much as comes easy, apart from any obvious root rhizomes/crowns. Looking a lot better over the years.
Updated: 14th July 2011
Himalayan Balsam 2011
Unless otherwise stated all plants are pulled by hand.
Sites 3 and 6
26th/27th June: Cleared sites 3 and 6. Total of 5 bags of weed.

Removal is working well as the seeds are only viable for a year or two. Once an area is cleared well, even by slashing, the next year pulling by hand maybe sufficient.
Page 2 for updates.
Site 1
This is the updated map from last year which includes the area slashed (G)
8th July
Cleared (A and B). Only got half a bag weed. As the ferns are high I expect many are unnoticed and will pop up over the next few weeks and more.
15th July
Cleared (A, B, D, E and F)
25th July
Cleared (A, B, D, E and F)
28th July
Cleared (A, B, C, D, E and F)
Also pulled some from new area G. A small area in the field to the south of Site 1 always gets done but needs mentioning as it could be a problem if neglected.
Found young deer, dead, in path to the far fields. Moved it to high stone road for dispersal.
Will make new maps for plans of areas. I showing larger are for location and two for detailed identification. Area 1.1 being before Riverland and area 1.2 being part of Riverland
29th July
Went over with Gavin, primarily to start clearing Part G. It was better than last year, especially where the track between the upper nd lower field crosses the drain on the lower side.
5th Aug
Cleared same area as 29th above. Pulled a few that were missed. Chopped a few that were not really cut. Cut back a few regrowths and all stems that seemed a bit too proud. Also cut to the north a bit more, Reaching now about 20m from the bridge across the ditch.
Still have to work on it south of a line level with the entrance track.
21st Aug
Cleared most of parts B and E
28th Aug
Cleared all of parts A, B and E
29th Aug
Cleared all of parts A, C and D
30th Aug
Cleared part F, and half of part G
Page 1: This page. Intro to sites 1 to 6
Page 2: More on sites 3 and 6 (Merged)
Page 3: Ragwort
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