The Track 2019 ~ 2023Updated: November 23rd, 2023
Created: August 14th, 2013The trustees and beneficiaries have a duty to maintain the track and as I reside here it's understandable that I have done the work since June 1993. Although I only walk the track there are occasions when I have visitors who use cars and there was the postman who drove, possibly on average, weekly on my behalf no longer delivers.
Every year I spend two or three days making improvements; the jobs include
- Cutting back the trees, hedges, verges as well as the central grass on the lower parts.
- Clearing channels down the lower half of the track; one down the centre of the track from the caravan upwards and one from the wagon down to the lower drain.
- Clearing three cross-sectional drains to limit on-track flow: One at the top, one halfway down and one by the triangle field gate.
- Levelling parts of the track
November 23rd Cut back the hedge overhanging the track between Elf gate and the triangle field entrance.
t 26th The top drain had blocked during the last heavy downpour and gravel then washed further down blocking the north run. The subsequent flow washed ballast from the southern run leaving half a dozen or more dips and gullies. Spent 2 hours cleared all three drains and refilling the dips and gullies.
October 31st The top drain has become blocked, mostly with leaves, and the track ballast has been damaged. Cleared the drain and cut the verge vegetation adjacent Joe's fencing.
June 1st Have mowed the track down to Trekensa Gardens twice, before today and went over it a little today.
October 21st Cleared the top two cross-track drains
August 23rd Mowed and cleared the sides and overhangs of the track to Trekensa.
August 3rd Mowed and cleared the sides and overhangs of the track to Trekensa.
July 8th I cleared the sides and overhangs up to 2.3m, of the whole track.
Dec 20th Cleared the cross track run-off drains at top, middle and lower locations, though they were largely fine.
Nov 24th Cleared the cross track run-off drains at top, middle and lower locations. Also cleared leaves and debris from track down to Trekensa from caravan
August 17th Mowed the track down to Trekensa Gardens and worth noting that is is probably the sixth time I have done this using the manual mower.
May 14th: Cut the overhangs and cut grass down to Trekensa gardens.