Beava Bova
March 26th, 20092024
May 21st Found beaver downed tree west of the willow carr on the bund.
April16th Found beaver downed tree.2019
Well not much bova and no sight of a beaver. But I noticed some chippings off a willow tree by the river and looking at the teeth marks, thought it could only be a beaver.Hugh Tyler from Natural England and my Friend Rowena have informed me that a beaver was caught in Gunnislake around Christmas 2008. Rowena said the beaver may have been from a transition site in north Devon, acclimatising before transfer to Scotland. Maybe another escapee or the same one. Poor soul is alone and trying to dam the River Tamar on a tidal stretch.
The Breach: 2024
September 18th, 20202024
The breach is enlarging and the field hollow moreso that I have cross a couple of metres away,from last year
Mains Water 2018 - 2023
June 11th, 20132023
- June 14th From 90.9244 to 93.2718
- June 5th From 89.9503 to 90.9242
- May 29th From 88.8052 to 89.9???
- August 14th From 87.7075 to 88.8052
- August 9th From 86.0943 to 87.7072
- July 18th From 85.0435 to 86.0939
- May 12th From 84.6019 to 85.0429 First use this year. Only 30Lt diff from last record (red)
- Jun 22nd From 83.8998 to 84.5702. Dry summer but rained a little yesterday so thought I'd ensure it wasn't just a surface soaking
- Apr 24th From 83.**** to 83.8998. Gavin turned on water late afternoon
- Apr 21st From 82.5912 to 83.3959. Water was used to wash down the wagon after work on the exterior.
There is now a permanent water pipe to the bottom of the triangle field. The plastic pipe runs through a heavy duty steel conduit some inch or two below the track. - Date Missing?? From 81.5164 to 82.5912. First use this year. Only 100ml diff from last record (orange)
- June 1st From 76.3680 to 81.5163 Leaving tap on over night.
- May 27th From 74.6461 to 76.3679 Left tap on all day.
- May 25th From 73.0190 to 74.6460
- May 19th From 71.1373 to 73.0189. Continuing dry spell since March
- May 11th From 70.1539 to 71.1372. First use this year. Only 10Lt diff from last record (yellow)
Here is a photo of the location of the meter, forth from the left, although there is another either side of the four shown but they are often not visible being closer to the traffic disturbance.
- May 20th From 62.5671 to 63.8371. First use this year. Only 20Lt diff from last record (yellow)
- June 28/29th From 63.8376 to 65.7269. Left tap on for 24hrs. and although 2m3 have been used I doubt I used even 1m3
- July 9th From 65.7263 to 67.5281
- July 25th From 67.5281 to 70.1538
- July 17th From 59.4388 to 61.3838 :: July 21st From 61.3842 to 62.5669
- June 23rd From 57.2506 to 59.4984
- May 16th From 54.387.81 to 56.487.92 :: May 23rd From 56.487.92 to 57.2499
First use this year. Little rain over the last month, although a sprinkling today, and none foreseen for the next week. Turned supply on around 8am. Watered, immediately, filled containers and watered again late afternoon. Will leave on overnight, despite the leakage and water again in the morning. - From 54.387,81 to 56.487,92 is 2.10011 m3 used though I expect half of that is leakage. Trying to edit a video and from that see the amount of water used over 1 minute for example.