Plans and Diary 2018-17
January 12th, 2017August 2018
- Go to view cabin
- 11th Make base for south east pillar and use soil to round off area by fire place
- 11th Adjusted height of south west pillar as water level was out by 45mm. I set a joist-beam across and used a level then cemented pyramid. North west came loose, maybe the joist than fits on the peg was knocked around a bit to much. Cemented North centre pyramid
May 2018
- 12th
Fiskars Mower~ Ongoing Arrange return of faulty mower See comments 9 and 10 of linked post - 11th
Plot and frame for berlotti beans13th - 11th
Red kidney bean plot12th - 10th
Look for Giant Hogweed and check out the 4 trees, take camera12th - Fiskars Mower ~ Ongoing
issues with faulty product see relevant post12th
See if there's an email response and10th
create a proposal for remedy11th - 9th
Call Tamar Organics10thand make rich bed for onions11th - 9th
Filter wheel barrow for compost and get more.10th - Brushcutter
9thShred more by more by wagon
9thClear path through small triangle field and beyond
9thSharpen blade10th - 9th
Chainsaw blade needs sharpening14th - 9th
Dig plots for maize, soak more maize.11th - 9th
Soak more black beans10th - 9th
Check for spinach seeds11th - 9th
Prepare beds for hokaido and butternut squash11th - 9th
Sow white foxglove, lavender and other flowers - 9th
Get 3 off 4x4 wood 3ft long to place on pillars and wood to make level - 4th
Plant out beans and soak more white and black5th - 4th
Pot more maize5th - 4th
Soak more maize and pumpkin seed6th - 4th
Sharpen chainsaw and cut wood by water butts6th - 4th
5thSieve compost by greenhouse and get the rest from near wagon6th then clear more area of compost there - 4th
Sow broccoli and sprouts8th - 4th
Use brush-cutter to shred around tree by caravan and9thpath across field8th,along bund and around apple trees in triangle field9th - 4th Cut trees from around apples trees in compost filed
4th Repair trousers
Apr 2018
Measure width of track, accurately and respond to email :: Get wood as test for track width and length of wood- Screws for lower t&g flooring