Confirmed by Peter as [common water-starwort] 2nd July Callitriche stagnalis
Looks a lot like Duck Weed but the leaves are a bit more oblong and have clear veins ??
UPDATE July 3rd
Peter Nicholson has suggested it may be a 'starwort' here is an image of the [common water starwort] that is similar to the above. Common water-starwort Callitriche stagnalis
Original Post
A new discovery. Whilst showing Pete Nicholson around as he was looking for site to establish Triangular club rush he pointed out a mass of 'Newzealnd Pygmyweed'' by the damaged drain in the gully going north.
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Subject: Re: Triangular Clubrush update
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:46:10 +0000 (UTC)
From: peter
To: roger
. . .
Just to confirm that the mass of green mat plants growing in the tidal ditch that we crossed via the log ditch were in fact common water-starwort, Callitriche stagnalis.